You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.5. INVENTORY Menu: Purchasing and Stock Control > 1.5.4. Inventory - Automatic Purchase Orders > Maintaining the Automatic Purchase Order Header > Method Selection
Automatic Purchase Order Header - Method Selection

The methods you choose on the Automatic Purchase Order Header screen define what files are scanned and how the quantity suggested is calculated to create the list of products to order.

Method Selection fields

To set your method of creation:

  1. Display the Automatic Purchase Order Header screen.

Refer to "Maintaining the Automatic Purchase Order Header".

  1. Complete the following fields:





Create Orders for Stock

Select the type of stock you want considered for auto purchasing. Your options in this field are:

  • No – Micronet only considers your selections in the other method selection fields, e.g. it only considers stock on backorders or MJC jobs
  • Simple Stock – This option only applies if you have minimum and maximum stock levels setup. If you select this option, Micronet takes what you have on backorder for an item, supplier or customer and then adds to that the amount required to bring it up to either your minimum or maximum stock level. For example, say you want to order 1 item for a customer. Your minimum stock level is 5 and maximum stock level is 10, but you currently have 0. When you select Simple Stock, the Include Safety Stock field becomes active and you can select either Raise to Min or Raise to Max. This means you can order either 6 or 11.

Micronet scans all orders and adds those that match your selection criteria to the suggested list of items to order.

  • Order Class Stock – This option only applies if order classes have been setup for automatic purchasing – see "Inventory - Stock Control - Order Class Update". For example, you can set an order class on each item which indicates whether it is fast or slow moving, and you can just order by order class. Again you need minimum and maximum stock levels setup. You may then order all fast moving stock and bring it up to maximum levels.

Micronet scans all orders and adds those that match your selected order class to the suggested list of items to order, and where:

  • a warehouse purchase record exists for the warehouse entered in the Warehouse Number field in the selection criteria on this screen, or the Consolidate Warehouses field in the overriding factors on this screen is set to Yes
  • the Stocked field on the Warehouse Details screen is set to either Not Setup or Stocked, or the Override Item Stocked field on the User File Update screen is set to Yes – see "Maintenance - Edit UserIDs - 1. Main".
  • the Order Class field on the Warehouse Details screen equals the Order Class Type in the selection criteria on this screen
  • the Item Status on the Item Update screen - Item tab is set to Active or Replacement (see "File - Inventory - Item"). If set to Replacement, then the replacement item is used.

The suggested quantity is calculated by applying:

  • to the Qty Sold MTD on the Sales by Warehouse – 12 Months report
  • then applying the overriding factors on this screen.






Include Safety Stock

This is the suggested quantity on which to base the calculation. Options are:

  • Raise to Min – uses the minimum stock on the Warehouse Details screen as the suggested quantity, before applying any overriding factors
  • Raise to Max – uses the maximum stock on the Warehouse Details screen as the suggested quantity, before applying any overriding factors
  • Use Average Sales – uses Qty Sold MTD on the Sales by Warehouse – 12 Months report multiplied by the number of weeks’ stock required as the suggested quantity, before applying any overriding factors
  • Use Avg Sales/Lead Time – uses Qty Sold MTDon the Sales by Warehouse – 12 Months Report multiplied by the number of weeks’ stock required plus the lead time as the suggested quantity, before applying any overriding factors
  • Raise to Max When Avail < Min – uses the maximum stock when the free stock is less than the minimum stock as the suggested quantity, before applying any overriding factors
  • Use Standard Average Sales – uses the Avg for quantity on the Warehouse Details screen to calculate how many months of Qty Sold MTD are summed to calculate an average monthly amount. This value is then multiplied by the number of Weeks Stock required (on the Warehouse Details screen) to calculate the suggested quantity, before applying any overriding factors
  • Use Standard Average Sales with LT – uses the Avg for quantity on the Warehouse Details screen to calculate how many months of Qty Sold MTD are summed to calculate an average monthly amount. This value is then multiplied by the number of Weeks Stock required (on the Warehouse Details screen) plus the lead time to calculate the suggested quantity, before applying any overriding factors.
  • 2.8 Feature

Raise to Max when Avail <= Min – uses the maximum stock when the free stock is less than or equal to the minimum stock as the suggested quantity, before applying any overriding factors.




For more information about the effects of your selection in the Include Safety Stock field, see the next section "How Micronet Calculates Stock Purchase Quantities for Automatic Purchase Orders".



Only When Min/Max Exists

2.8 Feature

If you selected Raise to Min, Raise to Max or Raise to Max When Avail < Min in the Include Safety Stock field, select Yes if you only want Micronet to consider items for which minimum and maximum stock levels have been set. Select No if Micronet should ignore any items that don't have minimum or maximum stock levels set.


Create Orders for Jobs

Select Yes if you want Micronet to create automatic purchase orders for Micronet Job Costing (MJC) jobs. Micronet scans through the MJC jobs and adds those that match your selection criteria to the suggested list of items to order, before applying any overriding factors.

MJC job items are only added to the automatic purchase order if:

  • the item has a valid Job Number and a valid Job Status on the Job Information screen – see "Maintaining the Service Job Header" – (or equivalent for manufactured and internal jobs)
  • the line is not currently being edited
  • the line has not already been allocated to an existing purchase order.


Create Orders for B/Orders

Select Yes if you want Micronet to create automatic purchase orders for backorders. Micronet scans all backorders and adds those that match your selection criteria to the suggested list of items to order, before applying any overriding factors.

Backordered items are only added to the automatic purchase order if:


Create Orders for POS

Select Yes if you want Micronet to create automatic purchase orders for Enhanced Point of Sale (enPOS) orders. Micronet scans through the enPOS orders and adds those that match your selection criteria to the suggested list of items to order, before applying any overriding factors.

enPOS order items are only added to the automatic purchase order if:


Create Order for MDS Transfers

2.8 Feature

This field only applies if you have the Supply Chain module activated in your Micronet system – see "Edit - Program - Supply Chain Config (v2.8)".

Select Yes if you want Micronet to consider items included in supply chain transfers in the automatic purchase orders. Micronet scans through the transfers created by other warehouses and adds those with a status of Auto PO Request to the suggested list of items to order, before applying any overriding factors.


Create Orders for MRF

Select Yes if you want Micronet to create automatic purchase orders for Micronet Roll Forming (MRF) orders. Micronet scans through the MRF orders and adds those that match your selection criteria to the suggested list of items to order, before applying any overriding factors.


Create Replenishment Order

Select Yes if you want Micronet to create replenishment orders. Micronet scans invoices created through MDS and enPOS and adds those that match your selection criteria to the suggested list of items to order, before applying any overriding factors.

Orders are only added if:

  • MDS orders are not Invoices or Credit Notes
  • POS orders do not have a type of Order
  • the Item Status on the Item Update screen - Item tab is set to Active or Replacement – see "File - Inventory - Item".

Create Supply Chain Orders

2.8 Feature

This field only applies if your company is using supply chain procurement – see "Edit - Program - Supply Chain Config (v2.8)".

Select Yes if you want Micronet to consider items included in supply chain orders in this automatic purchase order. Micronet scans through the orders created by other warehouses and adds those with a procurement type of Auto PO Request to the suggested list of items to order, before applying any overriding factors.

Note that it does not order stock if a customer's order is on debtor hold.

  1. Choose your selection criteria and overriding factors.

Refer to "Automatic Purchase Order Header - Selection Criteria" and "Automatic Purchase Order Header - Overriding Factors".

  1. Generate the list of items to order.

Refer to "Generating the List of Items to Order".